Get ready for the new European privacy legislation!

Get ready for the new European privacy legislation.

Here is a brief update on the AVG. We get a lot of questions about the new General Data Protection Regulation (AVG). Therefore we have listed all the points for SharpSpring. SharpSpring is fully GDPR compliant by the May 25 deadline and we want to make compliance easier for you.
Here are some resources to help you prepare for GDPR:

Help Articles:

The European Union General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
How the GDPR Impacts SharpSpring and You
GDPR: Why It Matters & What We're Doing

In order to serve partners and partners' customers in the best possible way, SharpSpring makes sure they are fully GDPR-proof. SharpSpring is working on the following items:

Privacy policy

SharpSpring feature improvements
Privacy Shield Certification
Updated terms & conditions & licence agreements
Data processing agreement

Privacy policy

SharpSpring's updated privacy policy explains what data is collected from customers and from third parties, how that data is processed and used, and how customer data and third party data interact. Check out the new framework of SharpSpring's new policy soon. Reminder: The overall use of SharpSpring should be addressed in your privacy policy. You should also ensure that you disclose your use of cookies in a cookie notice on your website.


It's more important than ever to prove how customers got into your database and how they interact with you. To help, there are some GDPR-friendly changes in the 'pipeline' for forms, landing pages and export tools. These updates include new options to collect and prove consent, as well as options for deleting data when consent is withdrawn.

Privacy Shield

As a SharpSpring customer at The Blue Hour we also ask you to sign the new terms and conditions in SharpSpring. These terms and conditions describe your obligations to import, export and delete personal data from SharpSpring. This must be signed in all accounts before May 25. So be alert!

Data processing agreement

There is also a Data Protection Agreement/Data Protection Act (DPA) for SharpSpring's EU partners (such as The Blue Hour). The Data Protection Agreement will evaluate the data management tasks of both SharpSpring and its partners under GDPR. In this way you can be assured that we handle our customers' data in a correct way.