Introductie benchmark onderzoek

Zojuist heeft u een mail gelezen met een uiteenzetting van de werkzaamheden in aanloop naar de creatie van het benchmarkonderzoek. Maar hoe verrichten wij eigenlijk het onderzoek en wat kunt u verwachten? Op deze pagina leest u hoe het proces verloopt.

U kunt ook alvast een “sneak preview” bekijken van de vragenset die we gebruiken na de 1e sessie. Onderaan de pagina ziet u een blauwe button die u naar de vragenset brengt. Let op: u hoeft deze vragen nog niet te beantwoorden voor de 1e sessie.

Step 1: Strategic sessions

Together with your team, we take a close look at your proposition in strategic sessions and shape it into an inspiring market research.

The subject of the market research is often diverse, such as: research among prospects, research among current customers or international research.

Through desk research in our databases, we carefully compose the target group of potential participants and can start with the market research.

Step 2: Start research

Researchers from The Blue Hour approach potential and/or current clients on behalf of your organisation and ask to participate in market research. On average, almost 40% of your target group participate in market research and almost all participations result in an appointment.

Participants are directed to an online landing page where all communication and pages are designed according to your unique house style.

Step 3: Report & appointment

After a participant has completed your market research, a fully personalised benchmark report is produced in your house style. With the benchmark report, your respondent can compare himself with other anonymous participants.

To hand over the report to your respondent, we make a personal appointment for you and the participating interviewer.

The appointment is experienced as an advisory meeting rather than a sales meeting, nevertheless, our clients indicate that there is a lot of work to be done in the meeting. Nonetheless, our customers mention that in 47% of all the cases a lasting relationship arises.

Step 4: Sales support & dashboard

After the benchmark report and scheduling in the appointment, our work does not stop. All achievements of the market research and your sales team are tracked real time and online in a dashboard we developed. In this dashboard you can see actual feedback from your account managers as well as the return on investment.

Vragenset voor tweede sessie